by European Coalition for Corporate Justice
“The European Union and its Member States should take a global lead and serve as a good example on CSR when building markets, combating corruption, safeguarding the environment and ensuring human dignity and human rights in the workplace”. This is the opening statement of the joint declaration the Swedish EU presidency and the Spanish upcoming one have made public today (November 11th) in Stockholm.
The declaration comes a result of a 2 day conference organised by the EU Swedish presidency and the European Commission with the objective to move forward on the operationalisation of the “Protect, Respect and Remedy” UN framework on the issue of Business and Human Rights at the EU level.
The declaration can be found here and also attached below.
Participants in the conference have discussed at length the implications of the “Protect, Respect and Remedy” framework in the EU context.
The European Coalition for Corporate Justice has welcomed the Swedish initiative and has actively participated in the conference by speaking in the panel dedicated to “The state as a regulator”.
Find ECCJ’s intervention below.
More information about the conference, the opening speeches by keynote speakers such as John Ruggie, Mary Robinson or the Swedish Trade minister Ewa Björling can be found here.